Lonely, Isolated and Over 65.

Loneliness and isolation can be painful.

Loneliness and isolation can be painful.

Being a part of the older generation can be great. If you have retired your time is your own. But getting older can also bring its challenges; sometimes more health issues and often less mobility. All that freedom that you have can feel like the exact opposite with all of those hours to fill every day often with the television as your only companion. This can lead to boredom, chronic loneliness and isolation.

The good news is that we’re here to help. We are a new social networking site called Frindow.com and our mission is to help you make new friends and to point you in the right direction to help alleviate that loneliness.

If you don’t feel that you could use the site yourself, don’t worry, you can have a friend or family member use it for you.

Frindow has friendly forums, local Get Togethers, and you can even have live video chat with other members if you find it difficult to leave your home. Frindow also offers lots of information about local groups in your area to help you get connected. 

Just add your first name and email address below, or the details of the person that you want to have represent you and we’ll be in touch.

There is no need to suffer in silence anymore. Sign up to Frindow and start getting connected.